
Our product portfolio is being developed in an agile manner. Our solutions are available both, as pure API (, as well as with a customized interface in your CI and CD (corporate identity and design).

Risk Analysis

Our Risk Analysis evaluates your customer’s risks through intelligent question paths and derives corresponding product recommendations.

For Private Customer Advisory

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Our Risk Analysis, using individual question sequences and relevant information sources in the background, calculates and captures your customer’s objective risks, subjective needs, and risk preferences. From there, comprehensible and tailormade product recommendations (including coverage amounts) are depicted. For advisors and customers, risks are made understandable and transparent. This leads to better advisory, sustainable customer relationships as well as more cross-selling opportunities through customer centric product recommendations.

Try the Risk Analysis in the PRO DEMO VERSION

For Business Customer Advisory

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Our Risk Analysis for Business Customer Advisory evaluates a company’s risks and insurance needs through intelligent question paths. Every answer leads to an adjustment of their protection need as well as their product prioritization. Thus, risks are made understandable and transparent. Individual product recommendations are made, which are tailored to the risks and needs of your corporate clients. This approach leads to sustainable customer relationships based on trust.

Try the Risk Analysis in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Product Advisory

For Private Customer Advisory

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Our Product Advisory for private customers offers product and topic-specific question paths for different insurance products to determine premiums/pricing.

For Business Customer Advisory

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Our Product Advisory for business customers offers industry- and product specific question paths for different insurance products to determine premiums/pricing.

riskine Product Advisory offers considerable benefits for you and your clients:

Optimized question progression for your customers: Queries generate the shortest path through the individual advisory session. Previously asked questions are skipped and answers that can be anticipated are not asked altogether but instead estimated. Additionally, questions adapt according to previously given answers and their information is taken and used for further calculations. These optimizations are the basis of our graph technology and save advisors and customers valuable time and energy.

Integrated algorithms in real-time: Pension gaps, coverage amounts, risks as well as product recommendations and prioritizations are being calculated and shown real-time during the entire advisory session. These extensive calculations are all happening in the background. Through real-time analysis and evaluations, advisors and customers gain considerable advantages during their advisory sessions.

Individual text labels: It is possible to generate different question- and answers texts from the same advisory model respectively the same data base. This facilitates an easy execution in multiple languages, addressing customers in a formal/informal way (e.g. based on age), or frontend specific texts (e.g. long texts in personal advisory or short texts with same content for insurance bot).

Try the Product Advisory in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Risk Sentiment Recommender

The Risk Sentiment Recommender (RSR) scrapes online news and social media for all relevant risk topics in your customer’s region in real time. Every risk in our overview consists of several sub risks. Based on previously stored key words, we search for those risks online and both analyze and evaluate them. The RSR supports you in identifying current risk issues that concern your customers. The results are clearly presented in a dashboard.

One use case of the RSR is to offer your advisors an informational advantage when advising. For example: What risks are my customers facing or what are good conversation starters? Another use case is the use of the RSR for campaign control (which topics, when).


Product Recommender

Our machine learning Product Recommender can be integrated as an intelligent plug-in into our digital advisory journeys. It analyzes a user’s behavior and decisions, which enables real-time product recommendations based on purchase decisions of customers of the same demographic (next best product). Thus, the Product Recommender allows you to advise your customers on recommended products specifically for their peer group or generate campaigns to the right target groups.

Investment Profile

The Investment Profile, which is the most important instrument for investment advisory, holistically captures your customer’s financial goals, willingness to take risks, financial sustainability, knowledge & experiences regarding investments as well as their ESG preferences.

Through a very user friendly and playful manner, our Investment Profile determines your customer’s risk-bearing capacity as well as their risk affinity. Content within the entire advisory journey is processed and shown in a way that is understandable and informative for the customer. Therefore, not only pure content- but also knowledge is conveyed.

Your customer’s risk preferences and tendencies are made comprehensible, which enables a transparent advisory that fulfils all regulatory requirements.

Try the Investment Profile in the PRO DEMO VERSION

360° Retirement Planner

With our 360° Retirement Planner you can holistically calculate your customer’s expected pension gap with inclusion of all 3 pillars (statutory, occupational & private) and display them with expected monthly pension payments.

During this extensive analysis process, other products such as our State Benefits Calculator, our Wealth Overview and our Budget Calculator interact with each other. Using the State Benefits Calculator, several calculations for gaps in old age, occupational incapacity, surviving dependent’s pension as well as possible claims for care pension are determined. Our Wealth Overview captures your customer’s private retirement provision. Incorporating our Budget Calculator, possible pension gaps in your household budget can be determined.

With this 360° analysis customers get a full overview and can prepare their old age provision thoroughly and choose specific products that best suit their needs.

Try the 360° Retirement Planner in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Policy Check

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Our Policy Check allows you to capture existing insurance policies quickly and intuitively. It ensures an intelligent comparison with the suggested products from the finalized risk analysis. Our current next steps are going towards visualizing your customer’s insurance gaps and giving hints, where policies need to be reviewed.

Try the Policy Check in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Portfolio Planner

powered by FAIT

The Portfolio Planner provides you with suitable portfolios for your customers based on your fund list, including consideration of the selected risk class and ESG requirements. Key figures, the historical performance as well as the stress test support you in providing high-quality and transparent advice.

Try the Portfolio Planner in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Fund Finder

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The Disclosure Ordinance (product categories according to art. 6/8/9) promotes the transparency and comparability of sustainability criteria for investment products and enables investors to make better-informed decisions. The riskine Fund Finder supports you in fulfilling your information obligations and shows your customers all the necessary information about investment funds on offer. It can be integrated directly on your website or in the customer portal and comes with fund data that is updated daily.

Try the Fund Finder in the PRO DEMO VERSION

State Benefits Calculator

With our State Benefits Calculator you can show your customers an extensive overview of their different statutory pension rights. The calculator determines gaps in the areas of old age-, occupational incapacity-, surviving dependents pension as well as care claims. There is a possibility to either do a quick check with few details and estimations, or a detailed calculation with data from the customer’s pension account.

Try the State Benefits Calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Wealth Overview

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It provides a list of your clients' current assets and enables a presentation of the total assets taking into account all assets and liabilities (including life insurances, property, financial products, mortgages, stock portfolios…) and their estimated value at pension age.

Try the Wealth Overview in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Financial Planning

What could be better than talking to your customers about wishes, dreams and goals? Many of them require financial resources and thus good financial planning in order to actually be able to fulfill the dreams. Plan digitally now with the help of the intuitive calculator. Collect, prioritize, define and budget the goals together and prepare the next conversation on this basis.

Try the Financial Planning in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Budget Calculator

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Our Budget Calculator creates an overview of your customer’s household budget by listing the monthly incomes and expenses, which also helps in determining planned expenses and savings for retirement. The Budget Calculator is expandable with the PSD2 plug-in, which thus makes automatic household budget calculations possible.

Try the Budget Calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Loan Calculator

With our Loan Calculator your customers can determine monthly pay back rates through entering loan amount and loan period.

Try the Loan Calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Real Estate Loan Calculator

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The Real Estate Loan Calculator helps to take the first steps with your clients in financing their dream property. Based on the project costs (purchase or construction costs) and considering equity capital, subsidies and ancillary loan costs, an initial monthly loan instalment is calculated. You can flexibly adjust the term and the interest rate. This way, your customers quickly get a feeling for how they can finance their dream property. If you need a more detailed calculation, we recommend to use the professional version of our real estate loan calculator. A detailed breakdown of costs or comparison of different interest rates and maturities enable an exact calculation and presentation.

Try the Real Estate Loan Calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Rent vs. Buy

Whether you prefer to live in a rental property or consider buying property depends on many factors. It usually starts with the initial question of whether and how much one could actually afford. The "Rent or Buy Calculator" helps your customers with these considerations by providing a transparent comparison. It extrapolates the monthly rent, taking inflation into account, over the entire lifetime and at the same time calculates the possible credit potential based on the rent or an alternative amount. It then compares the rent payments and loan repayments in an overview, thus creating the basis for an ideal introduction to the topic of real estate financing.

Try “Rent or Buy” in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Savings Calculator

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The savings calculator allows you to calculate the increase in value of a savings plan (with interest and compound interest) consisting of the starting capital and monthly savings amount. You can also calculate which savings rate, interest rate or time you need to reach a certain savings goal.

Try the Savings Calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Equity Savings

Calculate how much equity your customers still need for their dream property and what savings rate is necessary for this.

Try “Equity Savings” in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Interest rate comparison

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Compare what final result your customers can achieve with different interest rates.

Try the interest rate comparison in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Value of Work Calculator

On average, many people earn over a million euros during their active work life, but only a handful are aware of it. The Value of Work calculator visualizes the sum of income over the period of the entire active work life, and also takes individual career progressions into account. This allows you to show your customers the value of their own workforce as well as their individual need of coverage.

Try the value of work calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Start vs. Wait

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Find out with just a few clicks what impact it has on the total return if your customers start saving either immediately or at a later point in time.

Try “Start vs. Wait” in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Pension Planning Calculator

Calculate the monthly savings rate with just a few parameters to support your customers in closing their pension gap.

Try the Pension Planning Calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Car insurance comparison

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The car insurance comparison enables a complete API-based advisory process for brokers. From the premium and performance comparison, to the offer and proposal.

Inflation Calculator

Make the inflation-related loss of the spending capacity visible to your customers over a freely selectable period, including many details and clear explanations.

Try the Inflation Calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Population Pyramid

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The population pyramid visualizes the development of the relationship between the working population and pensioners over time and thus creates a deeper understanding of the need for private provision.

Try the Population Pyramid in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Pension Duration

Based on statistical data, this calculator provides information about the probable retirement period of your customers.

Try the Pension Duration in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Gross Net Calculator

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Our Brutto Netto Calculator is integrated into all our advisory solutions. It provides an overview of how much income is left after deducting income tax and social security, while taking into consideration the differences within the respective occupational groups. By entering data into one field, it automatically calculates the other.

Try the Gross Net Calculator in the PRO DEMO VERSION


This product helps you to see, which natural catastrophe risks are highest for your customers using GPS coordinates of their home addresses. With our Nat-Kat-Check you can sensitize your customers for potential risks or use it for active lead generation.

Try the Nat-Kat-Checkt in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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Event Driven Advisory

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Our Event Driven Advisory enables you to advise your customers purposefully and fully upon changes in their current living situations. During the advisory session, checklists that provide a holistic overview are used, to determine customers’ needs. First, important, and relevant life events are covered, e.g. moving to a new home, getting married/entering civil life partnership or the birth of a child. With our Event Driven Advisory you can advise and provide information for your customers fitting their new life circumstances, therefore selling more relevant products.

Try the Event Driven Advisory in the PRO DEMO VERSION

Company Data

In the Business Customer Advisory it is essential to store your customer’s company data. Additionally, your advisor’s administrative workload should be lightened so they can focus fully on their customers. By integrating our Company Data tool, all your customer’s previously entered company data will be automatically filled into the advisory session.

Try the Company data in the PRO DEMO VERSION

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