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Newsletter 1/2019: Advisory AI

We are happy to introduce Risky - riskine's new Insurance-Bot.

Risky answers all questions from insurance customers, responding to service requests 24x7. Users can analyze their risks and get insurance advice. And of course claims can be reported and settled immediately (under certain conditions).

Directly to the video (1,5 min)

Risky Preview

What makes Risky so special?

Understands customers: Powerful natural language understanding based on deep learning

Insurance knowhow: Comprehensive pretrained insurance understanding. Recognition of context and relations during dialogue

Intelligent: Customer specific recommendations based on dynamic lifetime forecasts and statistical data

Wide and deep: Answers short questions about insurance, supports long, complex dialogues

Multi-Channel: Natively integrated with riskine solutions for advisors, call-center and self-service

Integrated: Simple connection with legacy systems through exisiting interfaces

On-Premise: On-Premise in your datacenter or hosted by riskine in Austria

Frontends: Frontend can be inserted into existing websites. Integration with well-known social media platforms & bots possible

Take me to the video (1,5 Min)

Interested? We are looking forward to your message at innovation@riskine.com

More information: riskine.com/insurance-bot

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